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Bienvenido a nuestro "Dark Omen Fansite"

Goblins, Orcos, aún hay mucho por hacer para el mercenario Morgan Bernhardt. Los Principados Fronterizos deben ser defendidos y la noble gente protegida. Sin embargo, Bernhardt pronto se da cuenta que no será solo sangre verde lo que deba derramar.
Un gélido horror cubre la tierra ......

Dark Omen es un juego de tacticas en tiempo real (Real Time Tactics, aka RTT) de la empresa Mindscape/EA. Fue lanzado en el año 1998 y así como su precuela, Shadow of the Horned Rat del año 1995, está ambientado en el universo de Warhammer Fantasy. "Entra al mundo de Warhammer y experimenta estratégicos combates en tiempo real, en un terreno completamente en 3D. En el rol de Capitán mercenario, dirige regimientos de caballería, infantería y arquería, así como también a hechiceros, máquinas de guerra y monstruos en una épica lucha para borrar de la faz del Viejo Mundo a las Hordas de la Oscuridad".

Los No Muertos han mancillado la tierra y ahora el Capitán Bernhardt debe eliminar la creciente amenaza junto a su tropa de mercenarios, los "Grudgebringer".

Deberá salir victorioso a través de muchas batallas difíciles para finalmente enfrentar el último desafío: ¡Derrotar al "Dread King" a los pies de la Pirámide Negra!

Este sitio virtual de la Comunidad Global Dark Omen está aquí para apoyarte en esta tarea y te ofrece, entre otras cosas, información acerca de todas las unidades y misiones, soluciones a problemas técnicos, partidas online Multijugador y Projectos Comunitarios que están expandiendo Dark Omen como nunca antes.

Dark Omen Expanded

Dark Omen Expanded is now out!
A new way to play Dark Omen with new models, banners, factions and more! Currently it includes 12 Factions, all classic Warhammer armies now available to play with in multiplayer and more to come! (2 more in the making) The single player campaign is also coming along nicely with new enemies and a new army to play with, with plans for more to come! Using the great map patch V3 and the head patch (both by Ghabry) to unlock cool new features, DOE will surprise and amaze!

Advent Calendar Programs and more

Like last year the most important programs of the advent calendar have been added to the download section (click the headlines to get directly to the download):

A new version of the map patch that allows you to deploy up to 15 regiments on any map (regiments must be set to auto deploy).

This patch allows you to use the NPCs like Klaus Zimmermann as commanders of a regiments (with working animations for CHARGE! and so on)

A new version of the Itemcost editor. Featuring additional features like autopatching of the engrel.exe.

This program allows you to edit BTB files using a text editor by converting it to a xml file and vice versa.

Ok this was not in the calendar... This mod features new interesting singleplayer-battles by altering the deployment zones, enemy scripts and units. Beware: High difficulty!

Three Years Dark Omen Fansite!

Wow, this website already exists since three years now! We celebrate today (2/5/2010) the third birthday of this website. Three years ago the Dark Omen Community was sleeping but we were able to wake them. And now we are here. Lots of registered users and many Battles and Tournaments.

Thanks to all visitors for supporting us and to the modders of course for there great additions to Dark Omen.

Finally an update

The last large update in the Campaign Section is more then one year old. After this long time we present a larger update: Chapter 3 has been finished.

Don't worry, Chapter 4 will be finished faster :).

Also some news about the download section:
Flak's Goblin Campaign is available there since a long time but we have not written any news about it. His Dwarf Campaign, also available since a while, has been added too.
These campaigns "only" have the troops replaced but playing is recommended because both campaigns have a nice, interesting (English) story in an external file included.

Last but not least two small files from my personal archive: Modified Empire and Undead Army Files. They allow you to buy the missing regiments in the multiplayer mode. But ask your opponent before using them.

On one's own account: We need tipps how it could go on after we finished the campaigns. Please write your ideas in this topic down, thank you!


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