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Nuevo Proveedor

Días atrás hemos cambiado el proveedor de hosting. Lamentamos que el sitio haya estado fuera de servicio por un tiempo, pero (esperamos) que todo marche bien ahora.

Si experimentas alguna dificultad o error al navegar por el sitio, envía un PM a algún administrador/contacto o comentalo en esta sección del foro: http://forum.dark-omen.org/website-related-b6.0/ (recuerda que en el foro solo se maneja el inglés como idioma común).

Nuestro nuevo Proveedor:


Small Tournament 5

Dark Omen Tournament 5

The same procedure as every month: a tournament. But this time you have to register at the forum and we will play a 5000/15 tournament.

Date:28. February 6:00pm gmt+0
Deadline:26. February 4:00pm gtm +0
Rules:5000/15 (Version-ID (oldid) must be 1985)
Premises:Unmodified, original Army-Files; Working Dark Omen multiplayer mode (connection tested at least once) and fun while playing Dark Omen :)
Prize:Glory and Fame (and a Forum-Title)
Forum:for questions and suggestion

And again Birthday

The second year is gone and we're looking forward to the 3rd one. Today (5.2.2009), the Warhammer Dark Omen fansite turned 2. We wanna say thank you to all of our visitors and hope, that the page will grow furthermore.

Small Registration Problem

We had a small problem with the last few registration, so we have to send a new auto generated password. If your account was affected (= you couldn't login) please check your mails. If you still cannot login, you can try to generate a new password here

Going Global Part 1

The Dark Omen Global Community continues to grow as more members join, from all over the World. Our goal is to Translate the site into as many languages as possible. Today we reached a big step forward. Ignacio (DJLeBomb) agreed, that he will translate the whole page into Spainish. The biggest part is done and so we can publish the Spanish site:


At this point we want to say a really big thanks to Ignacio , that you took the time and will help us in the future:

Many thanks for your engagement!!

Furthermore he had agreed, that he will help all Spanish-speaking users. You can reach Ignacio on his profile or in the Forum.

As a small facilitation we added a language switch at the right side, so it's very easy to switch the language.


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